To claim Jesus as our king is to point boldly, fearlessly to an alternative to the rulers of this world. Our king walks not the halls of power, but among the marginalised, lonely, and forgotten. Our king pours out eternal life for you and me by dying himself.
As we celebrate the inheritance of this powerful witness left to us by our ancestors, we look for ways to honour their legacy and work while moving, working, and being the Body of Christ in the world.
Brueggemann takes up the commandment to observe Sabbath and pits it against the societal values of constant consumption, production, and the evils of exploitative labour, societal exclusivity, and the effects of this rapacious behaviour on all of creation.
Seasons of Wonder is designed to allow you to gather together weekly with your loved ones and expand your understanding of divinity, specifically the radical but faithful idea that everything is sacred.
The experience of growing up “different,” coming out in a disapproving environment, having one’s identity and relationships questioned or downright rejected shapes the faith of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer Christians in ways those outside the community cannot fully understand.