Andrew Rampton

Andrew Rampton

Light and Glory

Today's festival demonstrates the faithfulness of the Holy Family, but also reminds us of the profundity of God's grace, the light in the darkness of John's gospel, the promise of redemption, the fulfillment of prophecy, and our own baptismal vows.

The Glorious Feast

God’s grace is a gift freely given. Gifts, freely given out of an abundance of love, which reveal the glory of the giver.

God's Promise to Dwell Among Us

The eternal Word of God takes on human flesh and the timeless dwells in time, among us as one of us. What a gift this is, far surpassing any earthly treasure and worthy of our thanks and prayer all the year long.

God's Promise of Glory

Christmas is a strange story that, in church, we talk about all of the time. So often that we forget how unusual it is. But for all of the strange details, why does it happen at all?